Oslo HHH Information for hares

Thank you for haring!! Somone has to set those trails, and you certainly don’t need to aspire for perfection, as someone will always step on a turd or be blind to your brilliant markings. Part of the fun of the OH3 is the variation in trails, and every hasher has their own style, but in order to ensure your run progresses smoothly, here is a step-by-step guide with some useful tips you should follow.

When are the runs? Every week. Monday (summer) runs start at 18.30. Saturday (winter) runs start 14.30.

How much does it cost? Runs without food is kr. 40. Runs with food is kr. 70.


Overall, hares must prepare by providing info and selecting location, setting the trail, and arranging for the circle and on-after.

Providing info about the run

Inform the Hare Raiser about the date you will hare. Hare-Raiser will place info on Hareline. All runs should have 2 hares (hare + co-hare). Hares don't pay run fees for their own run. Inexperienced hares are advised to recruit an experienced hare as co-hare or advisor.

Inform the On-Sec: Send info about your run minimum 1 week before, to PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOm9uc2VjQG9oMy5jb20iPm9uc2VjQG9oMy5ubzwvYT4=. In info, include:

  • Hares’ names and telephone numbers
  • Run location and the address
  • Instructions on how to get to run start
  • Whether the trail(s) are suitable for push-chairs (strollers) and bikes
  • Whether dogs are welcome
  • Any other info which may be useful e.g. showers, sauna, party afterwards, what to bring, any non-standard run fees as agreed with the mismanagement, your hash theme such as a birthday celebration or a holiday.

If you wish to use graphics or photos to promote your run, attach them as separate images (.jpg, .gif or .png).

Deciding location for your run

Location must be easily accessible by car and public transport (max 20 min. walk from the nearest bus/tram/T-bane stop). Consider run location in countryside/forest around Oslo, and for winter runs, an indoor location for after the run.

Setting the trails

Trail for runners should be appr. 8 km. Trail for walkers should be appr. 5 km. Scout and plan the trails in advance. Pick routes with lots of possibilities for checks on the runners' trail. Try to ensure the runners and walkers finish about the same time, e.g. by setting a single long trail with marked short-cuts for the walkers. Consider adding an optional ‘ball-breaker’ loop towards the end of the run. Avoid sensitive areas, e.g. private gardens, cemeteries. Make sure everybody can get back before it gets dark.

Plan to spend 3-4 hrs to set the runners' trail, and 1–1.5 hrs to mark the walkers' trail. Marking the trail is typically done the day before or on the same day as the run. Mark the trails with dots of sawdust, dots of flour or chalk marks. To avoid confusion, use different marks for runners' trail and walkers' trail. One or more beer/drink stops should be towards the end of the run, for example in a nice location, at a view-point, another hasher’s house/garage.

Mark the runner’s trail with checks (shown as a circle), appr. 400-500 m apart, where there are several choices of paths to continue. Lay the dots between checks at appr. 50 m intervals, depending on the terrain. Use checks and back-checks to help to keep the runners together. False trails from the checks are a good way to mislead the FRBs. They can be ‘closed’ (one or two dots followed by an X) or ‘open’ (one or two dots and then nothing).

Markings that should/could be used on the trail:

  • Circle=Check
  • R=Runners
  • W=Walkers
  • Arrows=Correct direction
  • BB=Optional ball-breaker loop
  • X (optionally together with a number, e.g. X4)=Back check (back to check or the indicated number of dots)
  • RG=Regroup
  • BS=Beer stop
  • DS=Drink stop

There should be no checks or back-checks on walkers' trails (or the walkers' short-cuts on combined trails).

Preparing for the circle and on-after

Make sure you have obtained the Mug Bag from last week's hares, or have arranged that they will bring it with them (it contains the mugs used for the down-downs, items used by the Religious Adviser, the HHH sign, and more).

Buy enough beer to use for down-downs in the circle. I.e. buy appr. 10 cans of alcoholic and 6 cans of non-alcoholic beers for this purpose. It is also nice if you provide snacks for the circle, such as crisps. You have the option of preparing food for the on-after. Hares should try to keep within kr. 40 per person in food expenses. Remember: you don’t need a large house for the on-after; it can be a park, pub, parking lot, garage, etc. (but for winter runs, an indoor
location is preferable).


Before the hashers arrive: Hang up the HHH sign (should be in the Mug Bag) or similar outside the venue (e.g. on the ground, write HHH in sawdust/flour/chalk).

At the start: Provide secure storage for hashers’ bags etc, while they're running. This can be at hares' house/flat, in one or more of the cars, etc. In the circle before the run starts, explain how many trails there are, and how they are marked. This is important especially when there are first-time runners and/or visiting runners present.

On the run: Keep your mobile phone with you in case any hashers need to reach you (because they are lost, etc.). One of the hares should always ‘sweep’ (run at the back of the pack and try to ensure that no-one gets left behind). You should keep sawdust/flour/chalk with you to supplement the trail markings for late comers, and ensure that each check is clearly ‘opened’ or marked (the direction of the correct onward trail is clearly indicated).

At the beer/drink stop: Provide beer/drinks, and cups if necessary. As everyone leaves after the beer/drink stop, ensure there's no rubbish left lying around.

At the end of the run: One of the hares should try to get back to the start together with the first runners, to unlock the house/flat/car. If the food requires further preparation, you should start this immediately. Immediately after the run, the Religious Adviser (or his/her replacement) directs the run circle, which includes down-downs, followed by the on-after. Therefore, you must prepare beer for down- downs, get mugs out of Mug Bag, and keep Mug Bag close by in case the Religious Adviser needs items from it. Optional: the hares provide crisps or similar for circle.


Clean mugs and put them back in Mug Bag. Hand Mug Bag over to next weeks’ hares. To get reimbursed for expenses, send receipts for beer, snacks and food with claim form to Ha$h Ca$h (see form).