OH3 Run #1879
Saturday, 6 April 2024, 14:30 CEST
: Haresvingen 10, 1362 Hosle
: Sysphelis & Penicillin & Basket Case (OTcxNDEwMTIgKFN5cyksIDk1MTkxOTgxIChQZW5pc2lsbGluKSwgOTI0NjcwOTAgKEJhc2tldCk=)
: Vipps 50 kr to account #57276

Public transport: 
T- bane 2 to Østerås. Walk across the schoolyard along the fence and continue on the pedestrian bridge across Nordveien into the “wood” where you see our house next to the path. Walk up a few stairs to the house. From Sandvika take bus number 230 and get off at either Eikeli skole or Nordveien stop, then find your way up to our house.

Use your GPS. Plenty of parking at Eikeli school just beyond the houses. Parking allowed on Saturdays.


There will be a runners and a walkers trail not suited for pushchairs or bikes. Expect a wet and sometimes muddy trail. Spikes not needed. Good idea to bring dry socks for inside the house. Dogs are welcome on the trail but unfortunately not inside. If it is not raining, the circle will be held outside. This is the last Saturday this season, so BYOB if you want to stay for on after.

Last updated 6 months ago.