Public transport:
Bus Line 23 (on Ring 3) to busstop Sinsenveien. Markings to the venue, white house in big garden with flagpole.
T bane to Løren, follow Peder Møllers Vei north to traffic lights, cross ring 3 take left and walk 50m to the busstop Sinsenveien. 8 min walk.
T bane to Økern: follow Ring 3 westward to busstop Sinsenveien. 10 min walk.
Drivers: use your GPS - ring 3 to Sinsenveien, then into Ribstonveien (with sign Welcome to Refstad) after 100m take right into Liljeveien. Nr 6 at your left after 150m. Parking in front of garage.
NB. Park close to the fence allowing 2 rows with cars, up to 10 cars with clever parking. In the street you have to pay.
Runners & walkers trail. Drinkstop not guaranteed.
Simple food strawberry with icecream after circle. BYOB. Limited amount of beer for sale.
Dogs welcome, but not inside.