OH3 Run #1885
Monday, 20 May 2024, 18:30 CEST
: Eiriks gate 2A, Oslo
: Make It Quick It's Raining (PGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjkwMTg4NDYyIj45MCAxOCA4NCA2MjwvYT4=)
: 50 kr

Public transport:
Any T-bane to Grønland. Walk past the underground shops and exit at the east end. Continue walking eastwards along Grønland (becomes Grønlandleiret) and at the third traffic lights where the road splits (with an old red timber house in the middle of the split), bear left up Åkebergveien. The entrance to Eiriks gate 2A is just before the 2nd road on the left (Eiriks gate). Approx 600 m walk in total from the T-bane. Don't arrive late!

Drivers: Parking in the streets


Run, drink beer, and speak in tongues with Make It Quick.

Vipps kr 50 to #57276 before the run. Includes circle beer and food after.

Last updated 2 months ago.