Oslo Hash House Harriers
OH3 Run #1888
Monday, 10 June 2024, 18:30 CEST
: Bentsebrugata 2, Oslo (entrance through the gate at Bentsebrugata 6)
: Pinballs, Condom In Him ()
: 50 kr

Take Tram 11,12 or 18 to Torshov. OR take Bus 20 to Torshov. It is 2 minutes walk from the tram/bus stop to the back yard.


There is a outdoor BBQ area for grilling. The hare will provide Pølse og lompe togeter with potato salad and other needed accessories. If anyone wants
pork chops or other food to put on the BBQ, bring it along.
Beer for sale is also available.

It will be a friendly trail suitable for bikes, dogs and aliens.

We trust in the R.A. to keep the rain away

Last updated 22 days ago.