OH3 Run #1876
St. Patrick's day ☘️
Saturday, 16 March 2024, 15:00 CET
: Ullern menighetshus, Holgerslystveien 22, 0280 Oslo
: The Vicar & Flying Chicken (VGhlIFZpY2FyIDxhIGhyZWY9InRlbDo0NTQwMTAxNiI+KDQ1NDAxMDE2KTwvYT4gJmFtcDsgRmx5aW5nIENoaWNrZW4gPGEgaHJlZj0idGVsOjk5MjYyNDIwIj4oOTkyNjI0MjApPC9hPg==)
: Vipps 200 kr to account #57276 (includes 1 drink, food, rental)

Drivers  - From E18 Smedstad/Vækerø turnoff, take Vækerøveien
towards Bogstad. After crossing over the tram lines turn right up
Furulundsveien and the menighetshus is near the junction with
Holgerslystveien. Some street parking available.

Public transport - Tram no.13 from National Theatre to Ullern, walk up
Ullernveien and left at Holgerslystveien. Alternatively, get off the tram
at Furulund and walk 600m up Furulundsveien. Bus - any bus along Ring 3 to
Blokkajordet. Take the path that goes along the west side of Ullern
graveyard and past the tennis club to the menighetshus.


scenic run with a walkers option. We are celebrating St. Patrick's
day so dress appropriately. After the run and indoor circle there will be
hot food. The Hash band "Wrong Direction" will be starting around 18.00
with a set of Irish songs followed by a second set of rock/pop songs
to get the dance floor going. There will be extra food served later to get
you through the evening and we will be having some surprises along the way.
If you can't do the run, welcome to the party (same price). We have to be
out by midnight.

Bring your own drinks. We have some free leftover beers/cider/wine from the
ski hash. There will be some beers for sale.

Last updated 3 months ago.