OH3 Run #1873
Saturday, 2 March 2024, 14:30 CET
: Hjartdal Fjellstoge & Storhytte
: Midnight Sun, Simply Red, Smell my Rubber

If you have registered and paid (if you haven't done so, contact Simply Red ASAP), meet up at Tordenskiolds pub (corner of Rådhusgata and Rosenkrantz gate) Friday from 14:00 onwards.

Bus will be leaving at 15:30.



    Bus leaves 15:30 from Tordenskiolds pub
    There will be beer and snacks on the bus.
    Friday, get into your rooms and dinner shortly after (expected 19:30)
    Party & sauna
    Saturday breakfast
    Saturday skihash - noon-ish.
    Dinner 18:00
    Sauna & party till you drop
    Sunday breakfast
    Games on snow
    Leaving to Oslo around 13:00

What to bring:

    Skis. Obviously.
    Bedsheets & towel. If you don't bring your own, it's possible to rent for a fee
    Red dress for the party!

What is included

    All food until Sunday breakfast (possible to make matpakke)
    All drinks
    Public nudity

Last updated 3 months ago.