OH3 Run #1869
Birthday hash
Saturday, 3 February 2024, 14:30 CET
: Borgenveien 174, 1388 Borgen
: Fatty and Sweaty & Buzz Light Year
: Vipps 50 kr to account #57276 before the run start (for food + down downs), BYOB

Public transport: (easy by train from Oslo)

Take the 13:41 Spikkestad train from Oslo S., get off 1 stop past Asker at Bondivann at 14:18.   Go left after exiting train station, about a 6-minute walk.

Drivers: From Oslo/Sandvika take second Asker exit from E18 (from Drammen side, get off at first and only Asker exit) and follow signs toward Borgen through two traffic circles.  Follow Borgenveien (2 km) until you see a large terrace block apartment ahead and the road curves sharply down and left. Turn in and drive through the whole garage and out the other side, we are the first townhouse on the left, painted red.

PARKING Anywhere is fine, no restrictions.  If there are no spots around our place, there is a field just uphill in front of the next big terrace block with always plenty of room.  Drive back to Østhellinga and approach the next highest block, the field is on your left.


A – A run. Runners trail will not be bike friendly.

Main walkers trail will be athletic yet rewarding.

"Birthday Run! Buzz Lightyear celebrates one more orbit around the sun.  There might be cake."

Last updated 8 months ago.