Thirsty Thursday Run #38
Thursday, 31 August 2017, 18:30 CEST
: Start from Voksenkollen T-bane station
: Sperm Bank

Holmenkolbanen (T-bane number 1 Frognerseteren) departing Stortinget at 17:53 (or from Nationaltheater 17:55 or Majorstuen 17:58) arriving Voksenkollen at 18:27 hrs.


A to B run, no transportation provided so carry your own back pack, and no sweeper on trail so call the phone number of the day if you get lost. With A being at Voksenkollen, the course profile is bound to be attractive (i.e. down, down, down…). B is at a place which sells beer, and near public transportation for the return.

PLEASE NOTE: this is a live run, the hare will not be at the start, so the runners need to organize themselves and get started at the approximate time, the trail will be northbound from the station.

Phone number of the day: 90 24 40 21

Last updated about 7 years ago.