Thirsty Thursday Run #26
Skøyen (pre-lube to 1500)
Thursday, 8 June 2017, 18:30 CEST
: Skøyen train station, street level
: Loves Going Down (48011224)

Alt 1: Any westbound train stopping in Skøyen

Alt 2: Bus 20, 24, 31 to Skøyen stasjon

Alt 3: Tram 13 to Skøen holdeplass + walk left towards the railway


Live hared trail with drink stop, with the very best imported Swedish beer! Walkers should talk to LGD to get details to make the drink stop and on-after. Working on getting a car driver to provide a bag drop.

On-after: Perrongen pub (at the platform of Majorstuen subway station) if weather is good, Valkyrien pub otherwise.

Last updated over 7 years ago.