Thirsty Thursday Run #1
Thursday, 1 December 2016, 18:00 CET
: Evens gate 10, Oslo
: Simply Red (95762986)


The hashing in Oslo is on the rise and the group is getting even more diverse than it used to be. Besides the regular Oslo HHH, we have the Oslo Full Moon Hash that occasionally wakes up from hibernation, there is the new Old Hashers group, aka. coffee club with walking problem. Simply Red and Loves Going Down sat down to th*nk a bit and decided to give people more opportunity to satisfy your sporty and alcoholic needs.

We would like to start weekly (or maybe bi-weekly in the beginning, depends on how many people will be interested) runs. The idea is to do runs that will require very little organization and will be easy to do them on a weekday after work. So the main differences from regular Saturday/Monday hashes would be

- No baggage store organized, so either don't sweat or carry your change of clothes on the run or don't complain you're cold and wet.

- No separate walking trail. How much running/checking will there be will depend on what kind of hashers will be attending these runs, but probably bit more running than on regular OH3 hashes.

- Probably more live trails then trails prepared beforehand.

- No food/drinks arranged to simplify organization. You don't pay the hares anything. After the run (or during the run, depends on the hare), we would end up in a pub and you each pay for the poison of your choice.

WHERE The first run is this Thursday at Simply Red's, address is Evens gate 10. Meet up in the backyard of the house at 18:00. If you're too early, come inside, upper floor, middle door.

REMEMBER: It's A-to-B run, so come light and carry your stuff. Bring money or card for drinks after.


Last updated almost 8 years ago.